Strategic Management in Enhancing Reputable International Journal Publications at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Lampung



Reputable Journals, Publication, Strategic Management


This study investigates the strategic management process employed by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at the University of Lampung to enhance the production of reputable international journal publications. In contemporary academia, publications in prestigious journals are of paramount importance, as they not only contribute to the expansion of knowledge within specific scientific fields but also significantly bolster the university's reputation at both national and international levels. This research adopts a qualitative methodology, utilizing interviews and observations to explore the perspectives and behaviors of participants. The study is further enriched by the analysis of secondary data sources, which provide essential contextual insights. Findings from this research indicate that the strategic management process has not been fully optimized, primarily due to challenges encountered during the initial phase, particularly in environmental scanning. Inadequacies in this phase have a cascading effect, undermining the overall effectiveness of the publication strategy. The theoretical implications underscore the critical role of thorough environmental scanning in strategic management. Comprehensive and detailed environmental analysis is indispensable for informed decision-making and strategic planning, especially for academic institutions striving for excellence in research publication.


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Author Biography

Dodi Faedlulloh, Universitas Lampung

Dodi Faedlulloh is an esteemed academic who serves as a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Public Administration, Universitas Lampung, since June 2019. He obtained his Master of Administrative Science degree from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Dodi’s research is centered around various areas, including public policy, administrative reform with a critical management studies approach, political economy, and economic democracy. He actively engages in collaborations with local government, national government agencies, and several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Fadoli, I., Faedlulloh, D., Simbolon, K., & Frasetya, V. (2024). Strategic Management in Enhancing Reputable International Journal Publications at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Lampung. Administratio, 15(2).